
Upcoming Event:

February 11-13 | Atlanta

Advanced Practices Council:
Where Exclusive Research and Peer Exchange Drive Business Impact

The Advanced Practices Council is a collaborative forum where insights from industry research intersect with in-depth dialogue to the foster strategic excellence.

I have been a part of APC for a long time now. Candidly, it's the best money spent each year due to the connect, level of depth compared to most of the forums and trusted networks/friends.

Rich Hook, CIO, Penske Corporation

Our members are technology executives in multi-site, multinational, or multi-billion dollar organizations.


with like-minded tech executives


in deep thinking that inspires


with research insights and solutions

The pace of business today demands a heightened integration of critical thinking,
responsiveness, and agility.

The Advanced Practices Council meets this challenge head on through three key member benefits:

Peer colLaboration

Members collectively discover solutions through transformative discussions.

Member-Driven Research

Renowned researchers from institutions such as Harvard, MIT, and IMD deliver cutting-edge insights and actual results

Trusted Environment

APC abstains from endorsing or supporting any products or services. Members can trust in the confidentiality of our environment.

Recent Research Studies

1. Driving Business Strategy and Value Creation

  • Unlocking Value with Digital Transformation
  • Developing and Measuring Digital Maturity
  • Governing Digital Transformation across the Enterprise
  • Leading Turnarounds and Transformations
  • Dashboarding your Transformations

2. Orchestrating Technological Excellence and Breakthrough Innovation

  • Edge Computing
  • Building and Scaling Innovation Ecosystems

3. Harnessing the Power of Data, Advanced Analytics, and AI Mastery

  • Scaling AI and Analytics
  • AI in the Enterprise
  • Scaling Machine Learning

4. Guardians of Trust: Advanced Cybersecurity and Seamless Business Continuity

  • Preparing for the Information Security Threat from Quantum Computers

5. Shaping the Future of Work: Dynamic Organizational Growth and Talent Empowerment

  • Managing the Dynamics of Power
  • The Future of Work and Managing in an Agile World
  • Organization of the Future
  • Digital Transformation and the Future of Work
  • Developing a Digital Mindset
  • Digital Resources and the Agile Organization
  • Leading in a Remote Working Culture

Recent Eminent Reseachers

  • Vijay Gurbaxani (UCI Paul Marge School of Business, University of California - Irvine)

  • Gabriele Piccoli (Louisiana State University)

  • Mike Wade (IMD Business School, Switzerland)

  • George Westerman (MIT Sloan School of Management)

  • Barbara Wixom (MIT Sloan School of Management, CISR)

  • Kristian Hammond (Northwestern University)

  • Nicholas Berente (University of Notre Dame)

  • Didier Bonnet (IMD Business School, Switzerland)

  • Amit Joshi (IMD Business School, Switzerland)

  • Lynda Applegate (Harvard Business School)

Join Us and experience profound research insights and inspirational professional connections

From Knowledge to Impact:
Fueling Transformative Strategies